Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well, my husband seems to think that I need to have a blog, so here it is.  It's been a while since I've done this type of thing so bear with me while I get reacquainted with sharing parts of my personal life over the internet;)  

Anyway, things in Kentucky are going fairly well.  Riley had an eye checkup yesterday and it sounds like his vision is going to be fine.  He has to wear the cone on his head for two more weeks, but in some ways I kind of like it because he can't get to Pita as easily and he stays out of things he shouldn't be in.  It will be sad when that check isn't there for him anymore.  Joe has started his new job at the hospital and has picked up several days both there and at another hospital in the system, which is really nice.  We found out yesterday that we are going to have to pay a truckload of money to get my last two wisdom teeth out; apparently I have to have a biopsy on some tissue around one of them because there is some sort of cyst there, which makes the extraction a lot more expensive. It will be good to have some extra money coming in for that purpose.  At least we'll have met our medical deductible for the year and it won't even be March!  I don't like dealing with insurance stuff...makes me miss being an irresponsible child. Oh well though.

We are going up to Michigan next weekend for Eric & Paula's wedding, which should be fun.  I think we are going to be able to see almost every friend we have from the college days so I am looking forward to it.  I bought a sweet dress and a clutch and may be naughty and buy some shoes and a new shrug or something today.  Funny how when you find out that you actually need to start spending your money a little more wisely you want to spend more of it on stuff you really can't justify least in my case:(  

Joe wrote a little on the spiritual analysis that we took when we joined the church, and I have to say, I'm a little jealous of his gifts.  My primary gift seems to be discernment...the gift of the hated.  As if I need any help in making people mad at me; I do it well enough with my sin nature;)  The others in my top five were teaching, knowledge, hospitality, and shepherding.  I was a little disappointed that counseling wasn't in my top five.  That is what I had wanted to go to seminary for and even though it scored relatively high, there are other areas where it seems I am more gifted.  I know that this analysis is just supposed to be a guide to help you figure things out, but in my own opinion, I don't feel like it's wrong.  I have been thinking and praying about how God would have me use my gifts and am now considering not doing the counseling program at the seminary but still taking classes and possibly pursuing some sort of degree; not sure what type yet though.  While I think that doing counseling would be good, I'm starting to think that it may not be the best use of my gifts.  What the best use is, I'm not sure of yet, but I'm starting to think it wouldn't be that.  Who knows.

Well, now that I've bored you all to tears, I suppose I will go to my step aerobics class.  This ended up being a lot longer than I had planned...probably because I haven't really talked to anyone about these things due to working and then falling asleep at 6 p.m., missing all phone calls from the people I love.  I won't be so long-winded next time...hopefully.