Sunday, October 19, 2008


There's just something about autumn that I love...maybe it's a lot of little things combined. The colors of the leaves on the trees, the feel of a warm, cozy bed on a cool morning, the taste of pumpkin breads and pies, chili and beef stew, and other heavier foods, the expansion of my wardrobe to include sweaters and wool peacoats. There is just something about autumn. Overall, I think I have determined that it is my favorite season. Maybe if I still lived in Michigan I wouldn't feel that way, but here in Kentucky it is. In Kentucky, winter is gloomy and there really isn't much snow to make it fun. I thought I would enjoy having a spring but with a real spring I developed allergies and that put a bit of a damper on things. Summer is nice, but very hot and humid, so I really do think I prefer autumn overall.

Maybe part of it is the anticipation of the holidays and all that comes with them. With the changing of the leaves comes the sale of pumpkins and the making of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. This year, I get to spend Thanksgiving with my family in the UP. I haven't been to the UP for holidays in two years now so it will be really nice to be up there. When I get back, I know Joe will drag out the Christmas tree from the storage closet for me so I don't have to deal with the brown recluse spiders I always fear will be hiding in the nooks and crannies. I will have a real fireplace mantle to hang the stockings from this year. We will get to go see Joe's family for several days before Christmas, which we feared would not happen until after New Years since Joe's boss was not going to give him time off in December at all. We may even get to see some snow before we return to the south (I hope)!

All this talk of autumn and holidays has me sitting here in a sweatshirt and pajama pants with a mug of hot chocolate, making music mixes on my computer that seem to correlate with the weather . It sort of leaves me with an urge to go running in the park so I can be surrounded by the colors and the scents---all that is autumn. Maybe I just need Joe to wake up so I will actually be productive around the house.