In other news, there really isn't anything exciting to report. I applied to do counseling training at our church and am waiting to hear back on whether or not I have been accepted. Joe started his clinicals for 3-D imaging this week. We are thankful that he had the opportunity to do that this semester; not only was it free for him, but it will allow him access to more job opportunities if we ever move out of Louisville, which we hope to do in the next few years. Our hospital system laid off a number of people this week and thankfully our jobs were spared. God continues to provide for all our needs, and I know He would've done so had one or both of us lost a job, but honestly it is nice not to have to worry about it.
Other than that, we are just working, churching, and nesting. :) Over the next few weeks we will spend some time with both sides of the family, which will be nice. I am looking forward to going to Michigan a few times this summer while I am on maternity leave. Joe's schedule allows us to go up for a couple weeks at a time and it will be nice to be able to escape all the heat and humidity in Kentucky for a while.
Until next time...