Anyway, not a whole lot has happened since the last time I was on here. Maybe I should've read what I wrote so I would know if that was true or not. I am sending in our taxes finally tonight. They have been done for a long time; I am one of those people that gets them done the day the last W-2 comes in the mail. That is probably because I've always received a large refund in the past. This year we are sending the government a large check, which is why I have held off on sending them in for so long this year. It's sad to me to have to send that in, as I could pay off almost half of one of my student loans with that money, but such is life.
On a brighter note, we are getting some new dishes today. The first year we were married, we did not have a dishwasher and while many of our dishes were in the dishrack drying, our evil cat decided to push the whole thing off the counter and many of them broke or were chipped. We have been setting money aside in a "home improvement" fund and decided that we would finally replace them with these:

I am really excited to have a full set of dishes again. They shouldn't chip as easily, either, since they aren't stoneware. While we're talking about home improvement, I've also had my eye on this for our apartment:

Maybe in a few months:)
For the few who read this, this is what happens when I have too much time on my hands. You get images in your blog postings. Too bad I don't have my own computer so there are no pictures of anything of any real significance. Now I will see if this actually looks halfway decent or not. If not, I guess that's what all this time on my hands is for.
The dishes look pretty sweet, and so does the potential future couch.
Nice how you added pictures! I can't even come close to figuring that out.
I like the future couch and the dishes. And I notice a few blog changes, too... fun! :)
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