Monday, March 10, 2008

I just can't get started...

For the few who have been checking for an updated blog, here it is.  Maybe the title is inappropriate now, as I have started this blog three or four times and have not yet made it past the first paragraph.  Today may be my lucky day.

Anyway, being that it's 5:58 a.m. and I slept for approximately 5 hours in the last 36, this may not make much sense, so bear with me.

I guess a lot has happened since I last blogged.   New developments in the Martin household include:  Joe's car completely died, my car is completely fixed:), the apartment is in process of being painted, I got a day-shift position, and Riley is no longer allowed on our bed.  That last one was only added due to me being lazy and not wanting to go back and restructure my sentence.  I guess that is sort of a new development anyway!  

It seems like this year (I can't believe I'm writing this after all three months of it) has been a mixture of blessings and, well, frustrations, but it has been sort of neat to see how God has provided for us through everything.  Joe and I have both been on a spiritual roller coaster over the past 2 years and even at our lowest points God has taken care of our every need.  I was just telling my grandma today that if all the events that have taken place in 2008 for Joe and I had taken place in 2007, we would not have made it financially.  So praise God that He is faithful even when we are not!  

Now that I have written another completely random blog, I will try and get some sleep.  This blog is dedicated to Beth, as I know she will appreciate the time and thought that was put into it:)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Decisions, decisions...

Sorry for the random empty post...I was writing and I think it got erased.  I guess I didn't realize it would still post the title!

Anyway, this week has been interesting thus far.  I had to work last night and have to work the next few nights also.  Last night someone came in that was losing blood so I had to issue my first units of blood to the ER.  The paperwork is a bit daunting in that process and that is something that really scares me to screw up because it can really hurt someone if their transfusion history gets messed up.  

I made a reservation for Riley at a kennel here in Louisville yesterday since we are heading up for Eric and Paula's wedding this weekend.  I feel a bit like a mom leaving her child for several days.  I hate to think how I'll act when I have a real baby because I already cry when Riley freaks out if I have to leave him at the vet.  I don't think he's going to be very happy being left, but at least he will have constant attention, which he wouldn't have up north since Joe and I are going to be so busy up there.  I haven't been this excited to be  in Grand Rapids...ever I don't think.

Joe and I went to an informational meeting on a mission trip to Chile in October through our church.  I guess we will be doing a lot of Scripture distribution, maybe some creative ministries, prayer walking, etc.   We have to decide by March 30th if we are going to go.  I would really like to go on this for a lot of reasons.  It will be interesting to see if it pans out since the last...hmm...three mission trips I have attempted to go on have been cancelled due to things like September 11th, pregnancies, etc.  If any of you who read this could be praying about this decision for us that would be wonderful!  It's going to be a bit of a job raising money for two of us to go instead of just one, so we really want to be sure this is what God would have us do.

Well, now that I've written pretty much one of the most random and hard -to-follow posts EVER, I suppose I should get ready for work.  I hope you all are enjoying your week!