Monday, March 28, 2011

Catch Up

It seems my once-a-week posting has started to fall by the wayside, so here is a short post to tide the few who read this blog over until I can make a more substantial one. An update of sorts:

*Verity has started doing a plethora of new things over the last few weeks. They include, but are not limited to:
-crawling on her hands and knees
-pulling up to stand, and even trying to walk alongside the couch
-giving high-five
-getting her two bottom teeth in
-trying some new foods such as chicken, Grandma Hill's blueberry muffins, baby yogurt, and other yummy things

*Joe and I continue to follow our Beachbody workouts. Thus far, he has lost about 10 lbs, and I have lost 11. The annoying part is that he has been doing his for 4 weeks and I have been doing mine for 8. Why do men seem to have an edge when it comes to weight loss?

*We installed a gate to keep the dog away from Verity, and to keep Verity out of the dog food, litter box, etc. It seems to be doing the job so far.

*I started doing powerpoint again for the worship services at Sojourn. I really am enjoying it and am glad I was able to start serving in this way again.

Anyway, this is turning longer than I planned on. Hopefully more later. There are more than a few book reviews coming in the future. One because of the blogging for books program I am in, but the others because of some controversy going on amongst people I love. More thoughts on those later.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Whoa, V's standing! And it looks like she's finally got a little chub on her legs. :)

Congrats on losing 11 lbs! I don't care if it's slower than Joe, that's still impressive.