Saturday, December 11, 2010

I want new.

A new blog design, that is. I suppose I should peruse the internet and try to find something a little more original than this new design, but it's enough of a change to hold me over for a week or two. I signed up for this thing where you get free books if you review them on your blog, so I need to enjoy my blogging environment a little more.

Anyway, today I have spent the majority of my day (all but 6 hours of it anyway) at work. I actually enjoy working the weekend now, as I have a lot of time to be alone. That probably sounds horrible, but it kind of helps me recharge. I suppose I shouldn't enjoy it TOO much today since Joe is home with a sick Verity...but oh well. I do have some work to do, but for the first 9 hours of my shift I only had three patients to run tests on, so I really have had a lot of downtime. So far, I've checked my email and caught up on my survey-for-giftcards hobby, watched some Law & Order, played games on my computer, and read. I also finished the majority of CE credit courses I needed to do before they expire.

One thing I really enjoy about being at work on a weekend is that I can listen to music. During the week an iPod really isn't an option with the phone ringing off the hook and people in and out with questions for us. We can't get a radio signal; I think the x-ray room next door must throw off the frequency somehow. Anyway, today I was listening to the DJ on my iTunes and an old song came on from when I was a kid, "Living Dangerously in the Hands of God," by Steve Camp. Now I know I'm probably considered a nerd for still listening to this. It IS 80's music after all. However, the lyrics are packed full of truth, and I'm encouraged and convicted every time I listen to it. This particular song talks about really living for Jesus. The whole song is extremely convicting, but this part challenges me every time:

There's safety in complacency, but God is calling us out of our comfort zones into a life of complete surrender to the cross. To live dangerously is not to live recklessly, but righteously, and it is because of God's radical grace for us that we can live life in radical obedience to Him.
It's so easy to forget about the gospel and what God has truly done for us by sending His Son to pay the penalty for our sins; it's also easy to not let the gospel impact the way we live, which should be "radical," as the song above states. :) I'm really excited to talk to my community group girls about this tomorrow night.
Well, as it's getting semi-busy, I need to get to work! But more to come. Two posts in one week is pretty earth-shattering though, in my opinion.


Beth said...

I am considering hiring Penny Lane Designs {} to do some work on my blog if I can ever get my act together and email Marina with what I want! I know what you mean about wanting new.

I really do like when you blog. We see each other so infrequently [:( :( :(] that I never get to hear the "little stuff" that goes on in your world, you know? So this is fun!

*kirstin* said...

My template right now is just from Smitten Blog Designs and it was free, so I was happy. :) Are you going to try to make money off your blog in the near future?

I figured that this is a good way to let people know what is going on with our lives. Also, I joined this thing called blogging for books that sends you free books (you get to choose out of a selection of what you want) and you just blog a review about it. It's nice cuz they have some books I want and this way I don't have to pay for them. But anyway, I need to be in the habit of getting on here more if for that only.

Now that I've written a book, I'm glad you still read my blog. I seriously think you are the only one who knows it even exists still. :)